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Default Roles#

User RolesAsset Group
User Group
Super User green-dot green-dot green-dot green-dot green-dot green-dot green-dot green-dot green-dot green-dot green-dot green-dot green-dot green-dot green-dot green-dot green-dot green-dot green-dot green-dot green-dot green-dot green-dot green-dot green-dot green-dot green-dot green-dot
Admin green-dot green-dot green-dot green-dot green-dot green-dot green-dot green-dot green-dot green-dot green-dot green-dot green-dot green-dot green-dot green-dot green-dot green-dot green-dot green-dot green-dot green-dot green-dot green-dot green-dot green-dot green-dot green-dot
Default Client red-dot green-dot red-dot red-dot red-dot green-dot red-dot red-dot red-dot green-dot red-dot red-dot red-dot green-dot red-dot red-dot red-dot green-dot red-dot red-dot red-dot green-dot red-dot red-dot red-dot green-dot red-dot red-dot
Client Admin red-dot green-dot red-dot red-dot red-dot green-dot red-dot red-dot red-dot green-dot red-dot red-dot red-dot green-dot red-dot red-dot red-dot green-dot red-dot red-dot red-dot red-dot red-dot red-dot green-dot green-dot green-dot green-dot
Client User red-dot green-dot red-dot red-dot red-dot green-dot red-dot red-dot red-dot green-dot red-dot red-dot red-dot green-dot red-dot red-dot red-dot green-dot red-dot red-dot red-dot red-dot red-dot red-dot red-dot red-dot red-dot red-dot
  1. Default client role is assigned whenever a client is created from clients tab of the control panel section.
  2. Client admin and client user roles can be given when adding user to a group or to a client from the client tab of the control panel section or the groups tab of admin panel from the control panel section.
  3. There can only be one super user assigned to the company, which would be given by Adapt.

Managing Custom Roles#

Roles can be managed from Roles tab in Control Panel ---> Access Management section.

Add Role#

Click on Add Role button to add the role.


An add role form will be displayed with

  1. Role Name:Name of the role you want to have.
  2. Full Access:To enable the create checkbox , tick the full access option.Note that , once you checked the full access option , user would be able to view all the Asset Group and Asset .
  3. Permissions:C- Create,R- Read,U- Update,D- Delete.Assign the permission as per your requirement.

Edit Role#

If you see the edit role button disabled there can be two reasons to it, may be you haven't selected a row from the table or you are not allowed to edit the role. If you have edit role permissions, all you need to do is select a role and now click on the edit button. A dialog box opens up with prefilled information about the role. Edit permissions, role name and click on Update to see the changes in the table.


Delete Role#

To delete a role also you either need to have permissions to delete the role or you need to select a row in order to delete the role. Once the row is selected click on the delete button and now you a confirmation dialog shows up, and if you are sure if you want to delete the role, click on yes and check the table to see the changes.
